Monday, February 13, 2012

Chapter 15 (K)

The class smiles politely. I can’t even manage to paste on a fake smile. There’s a rush of both happiness and fear that flows through me. I cross my fingers, hoping he won’t recognize me.
“Marc, why don’t you go sit in that empty seat besides Kaya? She’ll help you catch up,” I hear Madame say. That seat’s been empty since the beginning of the year, so I’ve gotten used to just putting my stuff on it. I move to take my backpack off the chair.
“So your name’s Kaya,” I hear somebody whisper. I turn to see an uncomfortably-too-close-to-me Marc. “Fancy meeting you here.”

I snatch my stuff and glare at him. Something about this guy makes me mad. I’ve known him for only a few minutes and I’m ready to snap at him.
“You too, Marc,” I say between clenched teeth. I give him a sickeningly sweet smile. “I hope we can become friends.” We both know that no way that’s going to happen.
“Of course.” He nods his head in a mocking manner. “Now what did I miss while I was gone?”
Class crawls by, each second feeling like minutes. Marc continues to annoy me, and he seems to be enjoying it, that jerk. I can’t even do my class work! I decide it’s time to start asking questions. Maybe I can get him to stop being so infuriating!
“So Marc,” I start, and he turns towards me. I keep my voice low, which is hardly needed as everyone else is talking. “I don’t really care about what you missed, but there’s something I’m interested in knowing. Care to fill me in on that?”
Something fleets across his face, but he tries to hide it with a smirk. “Oh yeah, yesterday where you thought I had some sort of information on that morose project of yours. Like I said, you misread it.”
I certainly don’t believe him. “What can you tell me about Lukas Morgenstern?”
He shrugs. “What everyone else does. He was going to go to this school till he got into that accident. He’s dead.”
“Everyone knows that. I mean anything strange about his death? Anything unusual happen in the hospital?” I push. Come on Marc, just give in!
“Kaya, he got hit by a car going 80 miles per hour. Only a superhuman would be able to survive that.” He shifts back to his sheet, starting to show signs that he was getting uncomfortable. I think I’ve got him.
“If you know as much as everyone else, what street was he hit on?” I ask. I’m starting to inch him into a corner, and he just doesn’t realize it.
“Behn Street. Close to Redmond,” he says nonchalantly.
Ha! Almost no one would know, or even care about that. Especially the detail he gave me earlier about how fast that car was going. That is unless it was someone like me who was investigating. I smile triumphantly, but I decide not to tell him about his mistake yet. I’ll stop bugging him for now, but I now know how to corner him.
And the rest of class goes by quickly.

The guy who Marc is based on really does get on my nerve. He moved, so I don't have to deal with him at school, thank goodness. 
I did mean to post this on Wednesday, but I couldn't wait!
And don't forget to vote for your favourite title!

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