Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Alt+Control Chapter 40

Me, become his queen? So that’s the role he designates for me in his game. “How does it work, Lukas? And why can’t you do it yourself?”
“Chimera works in the same manner as Chronos. Creates waves, and then sends them through cyberspace to the next person’s computer. Instead of shutting someone’s mind down though, Chimera will coax him or her back awake. And I can’t control both Chronos and Chimera. One human body is not enough power, and besides, they hate each other.” He pauses. “What will make you trust me? I’ve already spilled all my motives to you.”
What would make him trustworthy to me? What could prove that he’s not joking? There’s only one thing on my mind…
“Bring back Drew.”
Lukas smiles angelically. “I knew you would say that.” He rolls up his sleeve, and I see that the wires enter his bloodstream in the crook of his arm. He carefully plucks out the wires, and picks up the wires connected to Chimera. He takes them, and puts it into the small holes that the wires from Chronos left. He shudders when the wires enter; whether it was out of ecstasy or pain I don’t know. The shudders stop abruptly, and he opens Chimera. Quickly he starts typing something in, his fingers flying over the keyboard. After a few moments, he stops.
“There. Would you like some proof?”

“What do you think?”
He just smiles again, and types something into Chimera. He turns Chimera so it faces me. “Here. I’ve planted speakers in Drew’s hospital room. You can hear the commotion now.”
“Doctors! Doctors!” I hear someone’s voice shout. It takes me a moment to realize that it belongs to Tam. “He’s awake! He’s awake!”
“It’s a miracle,” says another voice, and several others join in.
“I can’t believe it…”
“I thought he was a virus victim! No one…”
“This is a milestone in medical…”
Lukas shuts Chimera. “You believe me now?” He unhooks himself and attaches Chronos back on.
“Yes. I do.” I nod. Drew’s alive…thank God. I feel a huge weight off of my shoulders.
“You can bring this joy to so many other people,“ purrs Lukas. “Become my queen…you won’t just be saving people’s lives. You’ll be saving them a lot of heart break.”
There are two voices arguing in my head right now. One is telling me that if I accepted, I would be a monster, like Lukas. But the other one is telling me that if I accept, my sacrifice will be for a greater cause: saving the lives of others.
After listening to both sides argue, I’ve come to a decision. “Lukas. Bring in Marc please.”
“Sure.” He presses a button on his wheelchair, and two androids come in. Being dragged along side them was Marc. He was a sight to see. His suit was torn in several places, his hair was all over the place, and I can see the beginning of bruises on his cheekbone and eye. Cuts that were already scabbing marked his arms and cheeks. The androids drop him, and he lands on his hands and knees.
Marc’s head lifts up, and he snaps to attention when he sees me. “Kaya, are you ok?” He gets up and races over to me. “You’re not hurt or anything?” He checks me over.
“No, I’m fine. But look at you, what in the world are you thinking, running in your state?”
He lifts my face in his hands, and kisses me gently on my forehead. I blush so furiously that it feels like my face is on fire. Lukas gives something of a mix between a cough and a laugh.
“I was so worried. Did Lukas try to do anything to you?” he asks anxiously.
“I—uh…um…no…” I manage to stutter out. He still has his hands on my face, which just makes me feel even more embarrassed.
“Oh thank goodness,” he says, and embraces me. Which felt a little awkward cause my arms are still stuck to the arms of the chair.
“Where’s Gerad?” I ask. Marc lets go of me and stands up.
“When I reached him, he was already gone. That blow was lethal.” He shakes his head and clenches his fists.
I will myself to not cry again. I was hoping that he’d still be alive…then I could save him…
I hear someone cough. “I’m sorry to ruin this rather…touching moment,” drawls Lukas. “But I believe, Kaya, you brought Marc in here for a reason?”
“Yes, I did,” I reply seriously. Marc looks at me. “Marc…I…I’m joining Lukas.”
“What?” asks Marc. “You’re joining him?” The look on his face, an expression of pure betrayal, hurt.
“I don’t mean it that way. Lukas is offering a way to save people…something that’ll reverse Chronos’s power. And I’m going to become its companion.” I tell him, trying to keep all emotion out of my voice. “I…this is what I want to do.”

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