Saturday, December 24, 2011

Chapter 2 (N)

The bell rang.
“It’s lunch time. I want you to come meet my friends,” I said to Angel. That was the best class ever. I could actually hear Mrs. S talking, and when I didn't, Angel let me copy her notes. She’s like the nicest person ever!
“Sure. Where do you eat lunch?” she asked as she put her purple notebook into her bag.
“Do you have your lunch?” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied.
“Then I’ll show you,” I said. She finished packing her bag, and wore it. We walked to the cafeteria. Kai and Valentine were sitting and chatting. Kai was also reading a book.
“Hi, Valentine, and Kai,” I said.
“Hi, uh,” Valentine said. She was referencing Angel.
"Oh, sorry, Valentine and Kai, Angel. Angel, Valentine, and Kai," I said.
"Hi, Angel," said Kai.
"Hi! I love your hairstyle," said Valentine. She did a spell, and put a pink heart on Angel's hair.
"Thanks," said Angel. She sat down next to me.
"So, Kai, what book are you reading?" I asked.
"I'm reading a book about people who got a mysterious disease. It's fiction. I already predicted the ending, since it's so obvious," she said.
"You know, I heard there's a spell that makes you keep the book in front of you, and changes the page when you say change," I said.
"I heard of that too. But you have to be on level three," said Valentine.
"Hi," said someone behind me. I turned around, it was Dan. Kai got up, and went to upstairs, probably the library. Dan looked kinda sad.
"Oh, hi Dan," said Valentine.
"Hi Dan, this is Angel," I said. Angel waved her hand. 
"Why did Kai leave?" asked a voice in my head. It was Angel. She was using telepathy.
"She doesn't like Dan," I replied.
"Why not?" she asked.
"Something happened between them a long time ago. They used to be best friends. We asked them what happened, but they don't like to talk about it," I said.
"Aw, that's horrible," she said.
"Yeah, I know," I said. I took a bite out of my sandwich.
"Then why did Dan come if he knows Kai doesn't like him?" she asked. She took a sip of her apple juice.
"He likes her, but she doesn't like him at all," I said.
"GUYS!" Dan said. Angel and I got startled.
"Yes?" we replied in unison.
"Lunch is ending in a few minutes," Valentine said. I looked at my watch. Lunch was ending in seven minutes. I started eating. Why did time go so fast? I was just using telepathy for a few minutes. Wait, when you're using it time goes very fast.
"Where were you?" asked Taima. She appeared out of nowhere. But that's just Taima.
"Hi Taima, this is Angel," I said.
"Hi Angel," said Taima in a friendly voice. Taima was always friendly.
"Hi," said Angel. She was getting nervous again.
The bell rang again. Back to class.


Sorry for this chapter, it was really rushed. I didn't want a long chapter. I just introduced Dan, Kai, Valentine and Taima. But mostly Dan and Kai's feud.


  1. heheheh I love the feud :)
    especially since I'm Kai.
    for some reason, Kai is showing up as Kia in these stories...

  2. Yeah! FEUD! :)
    Ah, stupid Microsoft Word. I'll fix it.
