Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chapter 5 (N)

I stood there, looking at Angel. After a while, she tilted her head in confusion which was really cute.
"D-did you d-do this?" I stammered. She smiled to herself a bit.
"Do you like it?" she asked with no emotion. I looked at it again. It was really cute, it was exactly like I planned it. How did she know?
"It's fantabulous! But Angel, how did you..?" she put her finger on my mouth, to make me stop talking.
"I have my ways. Now do you want to ask questions or finish the party?" she asked. I wanted to ask questions. But I decided to leave it at that.
"Finish the party," I said quietly. I had so many questions I wanted to ask.
"Good, now what do need for food and beverages?" she asked.
"Just a sec," I said. I went upstairs. I had a list of stuff I needed for the party. I also had a diary. I don't like diaries because if someone took a glance at it they wouldn't be my friend any more. I don't write mean stuff, I just write what I felt at the moment. I took a pen and wrote down 'Angel, Yin, and Yang are keeping secrets from me. I am determined to find out what they are.'
I picked up my list, and went downstairs. Angel was facing the other direction. I walked quietly, and said, "Boo!"
Angel didn't jump, she just stood there. She turned around, she looked prettier than she already was. Her blond hair brushed my face.
"Hi," she said.
"Hi," I said uncertainly. I handed her the list. "Here's the list of stuff we need."
I looked behind her, everything was already there.
"Okay, that's it," I said.
"Huh?" she said innocently.
"I want answers," I said.

"I'm going to Yin's house!" I yelled to my parents.
"Okay," my mother said faintly.
"Bring me back a notebook," said my father. He loved writing, that's the reason I love it too.
I took my bike, and started riding to Yin's house. When I finally got there, I saw Yang going inside. I hid behind Yin's house before he saw me. After I was sure Yang was inside, I called Kai.
"He's inside," I said, feeling like a spy.
"What is he doing?" asked Kai, immediately understanding me.
"I can't see, but do you think I should go inside?" I asked.
"Too risky," said Kai.
"At least I'll know something," I said.
"You just love to risk, don't you?" asked Kai.
"Should I leave you to hear?" I asked.
"Nope, I was never here," she said. I hung up. I locked my bike, and knocked Yin's door. The door opened.
"Hello, hun. Yin's upstairs with her friend," said her mother, who was washing the dishes with the spell I've been trying to learn, and watching t.v.
"Thanks," I said. I went upstairs slowly.
"And that's how you make a cherry pie," said Yin. They must have used the protective spell. But Yin was a horrible actor and cook. She burst out laughing. They already must know that I'm here, so I went inside.
"Hello." They looked at me surprised. Cut it out, I thought.
"Hi!" Yin said cheerfully. It was so fake, Yin was never cheerful.
"Hello Light," said Yang. But Yang was an excellent actor.
"I thought your mother needed you," I said. My voice was calm, and sincere. Yin started pacing.
"I went and did what she wanted and came here," he said looking at the floor. Yang never looked at the floor while talking unless he was extremely upset, or lying to someone he knew very much, like me.
"Why didn't you come to my house?" I asked. He looked me in the eye, then looked at Yin.
"Yin wanted me to come over," he replied. I looked at Yin, she was lost in thought. I glared at Yang. He looked away.
"Okay," I said cheerfully. "You never told me what was so important earlier."
"I don't have to tell you everything, do I?" he shot at me. He looked at me like this whole new person.
"But we're best friend, remember?" I told him, emphasizing the "remember".
"Hey guys, who is excited for the party tomorrow?" said Yin, interrupting us. I felt a little jealous, because I thought Yin wanted Yang not to answer that question.
"I have to go," announced Yang.
"Don't bother, you can stay with your girlfriend. I'm leaving," I declared. Yin and Yang both turned redder than a tomato, which was hilarious. I got up.
"Wait, what do you mean by 'girlfriend'?" asked Yin.
"Oh nothing," I said as I skipped off, humming a cheerful tune. I felt victorious. I got on my bike, and rode home.
Victory, why was I feeling victorious over my friends?


OMG, I am so sorry for not updating my story for so long. Happy New Year. I'm at my uncle's house, and I barely have time. But thanks for sticking with me.
So... any feedback? Comments? Ideas?

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