Saturday, March 3, 2012

Chapter 15 (Part 2) (N)

“Meet me in the library after school,” I read the text in my head. It’s from unknown.
“Who are you?” I replied.
“You don’t need to know yet, but stay away from him,” I read. What? Who?
“Who should I stay away from?”
“Do as I say for your own good.” Is this a prank?
“At least tell me who!”
“Light, don’t be stubborn.”
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot of things. Goodbye.”
“Wait! Who are you? Who should I stay away from? How do you know my name?”

“Stop asking questions. I said goodbye.” I closed my phone. Why didn’t he/she answer my questions? Who is he/she? I guess I’ll have to wait until after school. There’s only one class left anyway. But it was English, and that class went by very slow.
During class all I did was look at the clock.
“Light, since you’re out of the zone, why don’t we bring you back in? Read page 431 to the class,” said Mrs. A. I was that obvious? Even though she knew I hated presenting, she had to pick me.
“There was a farmer in Alabama who wandered the….” The bell rang. Thank goodness. It seemed stupid anyway.
“Come here after you finished packing your stuff.” How about saying, “May you come here after you’re done?”? I packed my stuff quickly.
“I’m finished packing,” I said annoyed.
“Now, what was the lesson I taught you about today?”
“Why are you asking me? You should know what lesson you taught.”
“Answer my question.”
“Drama, you talked about costumes.”
“Good girl. See what you get when you obey people?” Where is this going? I’m going to be late!
“Thank you Mrs. A. I really learned a lot today. Are those new shoes? Nice shirt. This has been nice. Bye!”
“Stop right there. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I want to go.”
“Don’t you want to sit, and chat?”
“That direct?”
“I’m going now.” I picked up my bag and left. She’s really starting to get on my nerves.
“Are you in the library? I’m coming!” I sent the person a message.
“Take your time.”
“Are you coming?” Someone yanked me. It was Yin.
“Where are you going? Aren’t you going with Yang?”
“Home and no, Yang already went home.”
“I have to go to the library. Why don’t you go with Kathy?”
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“No, I really can’t go. Sorry!”
“It’s ok. You can go.” I ran to the library. I didn’t even know who I was looking for.
“Light, over here!” whispered a voice. I couldn’t see anyone. I went behind the computers. There was a girl, about my age.
“Have you seen another person in this library?” I asked.
“Nope, but I’m who you’re looking for.”
“Who are you?” I sat down.
“I’m Kim. Do you know a guy named Dan?”
“Yes, why are you asking?”
“Have you met anyone new recently?”
“Yes, I have, just a new student.”
“Is his name Barry?”
“It is… Who are you?”
“I told you I’m Kim.”
“Why are you here?”
“I’m here to save Dan. Barry wants to kill Dan.” Barry? Dan? What? Why? When? Where? How?
“He is?”
“Yes, Barry wants to kill Dan. Now you’re going to ask ‘why?’, so I’ll tell you. A long time ago, Dan and Barry were best friends. While Dan was practicing a new fire move, Barry came and touched Dan. Then Barry burned his hand.”
“But don’t burns stay on for a long time, even forever?”
“Remember, at lunch time, when Barry bruised his foot?”
“And he said it heals by itself…” I said, finally catching on.
“Yes, Barry has learned to heal himself. Therefore, he cannot be killed. After Barry burned his hand, he blamed Dan, and promised that he’d kill him.”
“Overreaction, much?”
“It’s because Barry always thought that he was untouchable. He thought that he could never be hurt. After he got burned, he went to the island of Homage to learn a spell that would make him untouchable.”
“So Barry is pretending to be my friend, so he can get closer to Dan?”
“Why are you telling me this? Why do you care? And how do you know so much?”
“I’m telling you to save Dan. I care because Barry is an organization against ours. And that doesn’t matter.”
“What organization?”
“The organization Barry’s in is called ‘C.U.T.E.’” I started laughing so hard.
“Why? Was ‘Adorable Kittens’ taken?”
“It stands for ‘Cool Undercover Terminators and Eliminators’.”
“And what’s your organization’s name?”
“D.O.O.M. I’m not going to tell you what it stands for. I have to go. Light, the fate of Dan lies in your hands.” I stopped laughing.
“Why me?” She vanished. “KIM!”
She didn’t reply.
Why me?

--THE END--.

How did you like the twist? I made it long to make up for the days I missed. Well, it isn’t long, but uh… Shut up…

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